Thursday, August 11, 2016

12.08.2014 Attitude of USA on the Nagorno-Karabakh problem

An important actor demonstrating an activity in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem is superstate USA, one of the OSCE Minsk group co-chairs. The US always approaches the Nagorno-Karabakh problem from the aspect coordinated with its relations with Russia. This problem is the main obstacle to USA, which always competes with Russia concerning the delivery of the Caspian resources to global markets. To keep primacy on the development of the energy sources in the region, the US makes efforts to reduce the influence of the regional and other actors. Russia is surely the major target here. On the other hand, USA, which was not involved in the ethnic conflicts occurred in the region in the time of Bill Clinton, became one of the leading actors in the resolution of the conflict after the September 11, 2001 stories. It was the result of the diplomatic steps taken by our republic and its support to the fight with international terrorism.      

The attitude of the US on Nagorno-Karabakh is characterized as follows:

1)     Supporting the phasic solution of the problem;

2)     The principle of multilateralism in the settlement of the problem;

3)     To keep the Islamic Republic of Iran as far from the problem as possible;

4)     Strengthening the democracy in the region.

There are several causes why USA does not take serious steps for the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, though the Republic of Azerbaijan has risen today up to the level of strategic partnership with this state: 

1) Trying to keep Russia, world’s another strong state, away from the region, USA does not wish to be in a strict confrontation with this country in this affair;

2) The Armenian lobby in the US is able to influence this state’s policy in the Nagorno-Karabakh problem;

3) USA is between contradictious interests. Developing cooperation with Armenia under the impact of the Armenian lobby on one hand, the US is eager to have a share in the production and transportation of the Azerbaijani oil on the other hand.

However, Azerbaijan has the support of USA in this matter in the past years. But the failure of the efforts the co-chair countries, where Armenian lobby is strong, make for the solution of the conflict shows the Azerbaijani diplomacy needs to be more active.   

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